All our attorneys are masters of laws trained on the bench

Taneli Simonen

Taneli Simonen

Attorney, Trained on the bench
Puh. +358 500 541 595

Taneli completed his Master of Laws degree at the University of Helsinki in 1986 and received his Varatuomari (“trained on the bench”) title from the Eastern Finland Court of Appeal in 1988. He has been a member of the Finnish Bar Association since 1992.

Taneli Simonen is the founder of our law firm and has worked here as a partner since 1990. His previous places of work as a lawyer included Kiteen Seudun Osuuspankki Bank and Pohjois-Karjalan Säästöpankki Bank.

Simonen’s positions of trust include serving as a member of the education committee of the Finnish Bar Association and as Chair and board member of the Eastern Finland branch of the Finnish Bar Association. His free-time interests include language studies in German and Italian, and mushroom-picking.

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